SINGING LESSON: This lesson we spent our time just practising our vocal performance in our groups.
We started of the lesson with a vocal warm up which consisted of scales of la,ta,games to continue progression of diction, it also helps loosen up our vocal chords. We then continued our warm up by saying some tongue twisters like the coffee pot one, red lorry yellow lorry etc. This helped develop both diction and pronunciation further. After that we sang through the song as a group and picked out targets that we wished to develop. The main one was projection as we suffered when it came to doing it consistently. We focused on this for most of the lesson we discussed as a group what would help remind us to keep our volume up, which lead to us talking about steaming a mirror and singing from our diaphragm. After our conversation we sang it about three times all the way through and found that a volume had increased but it was not powerful enough for the aggressive characters we wanted to play. That's when we decided to turn up the music louder, this way we encouraged ourselves to try and sing over the backing track. We performed again a few more times and saw a big improvement. We continued practising for most of the lesson until the two groups got back together and we performed to one another.
Strengths: our projection was really good, and what we were saying was clear.
Target: What we needed to work on was making aggression more clear when singing as we seemed like we were happy while performing.
DANCE LESSON: In this lesson we began learning the block sequence as well as recapping previous choreography. We started of the lesson with a warm up that focused on both physical and vocal attributes like stamina, co ordination, diction and projection. We gathered round in a circle and sang through the song while moving. For example we would have to keep projection up while alternating from jogging, high knees and prancing throughout the whole song. This helped a lot with stamina. After this we did the one two one vocal warm up to help loosen up our vocal chords.
After the warm up We jumped straight into a run through of what we learnt in previous lessons. The run through went well no one in my group forgot the choreography and we kept in time.
once the run through was completed Nadine began teaching us the block choreography, she explained to us that the letters need to be seen clearly and that it required a sufficient amount of concentration as more than one letter was on each block. This worried me because i was worried that i would show the wrong letter but as she began teaching us i felt better about it. She taught each group up to the letter M of the alphabet, i was in charge of the letter G. I was struggling as we practised it to stay in character because Lottie had to drop the letter G from over my head into my hands which was very daunting for me, so i often found myself looking scared instead of intimidated. But i feel that once i catch it successfully a couple times i will get more comfortable with it. Nadine also told us that if we were not using a block at times to do the previous choreography which is was doing fine, but i blocked the letter C because i was to central as it was thrown to Emily. So i adapted my spacing a danced of centre. After running through the block choreo slowly without music and then a couple of time with music, we were then asked to perform everything we learnt in the past couple of weeks including this lesson.
Our group went first and performed the previous choreo confidently but as it got to the block section there were a few mistakes for example the H wasn't presented at the right time and the M wasn't pushed forward. These were little things but it did effect the performance and everyone's concentration including mine we began to laugh and acted unprofessional. It was expected to happen with newly introduced choreography but we as a group need to learn how to still perform even if something goes wrong because if we did what we did this lesson in an assessment we would get a low grade. So when we perform in the future we just need to make sure that mistakes don,t phase us.
Nadine also noticed that although the knowledge of the choreo was there characterisation wise we weren't performing to our best ability, this is something we will concentrate in the next couple of lessons.
DRAMA LESSON: In this lesson we focused on learning the block choreography while the other group focused on their characterisation.We started of the lesson with a warmup that the worked on stamina, concentration and vocals. This warm up consisted of us jogging round the classroom then alternating from jogging to hopping, skiping, running, jumping and so on while singing the school song with a good level of projection. This worked hard on stamina also. After that we had a more vocal warm up that concentrated on diction, loosening our vocal chords as well as co ordination. This warm up consisted of us as a class clappng and patting a beat then doing a cool and response method singing lines. For example Emily would sing kumalala kumalala kumala vista and we would have repeat it. This helped with concentration and musicality also as we had to stay in time with the beat of our hands.
After this we started by doing a run through of what we did in the previous lesson which wasn't very successful as we messed up a few of the timings on the block section. Nadine then decided to very slowly run through the block choreography we did last lesson before starting to learn more. Nadine clarified my spacing when the letter c is presented as I went back to the centre again, she also made it clear to the other members of my group how to show there letters and when. Nadine then walked us through choreo we should be doing when not moving th blocks for example, when Sophie hold up the letter I people not moving a block had to crowd around her and do the previous choreography we use for the line "I have suffered in this jail...." After clarifying what we did last lesson we began learning new block choreography up to the letter Q I was I charge of this letter but this really put the whole groups concentration to the test. For example Nadira needed to push the letter M to the front in order to allow Tom to put the letter N on top, but Tom also needed to remember to take the N of again so I could reveal the letter Q. If Nadira or Tom forgets to do these things then the block choreography wouldn't go to plan and mistakes would be made and this goes for almost everyone's roles in the block choreo. We practiced doing the whole block choreography without the music a couple of time and they went successfully. The other group got a chance to perform to us how they improved their characterization. When they performed I noticed that they added some choreo to seem more intimidating for example straight at beginning daisy turn and crouched down with a cold glare, they used more intimidating facial expressions. The little kids also shakers and made themselves small which was very impressive.
We then got a chance to perform the block sequence up to what we learnt up to. As we were performing we were doing well but nadira had forgotten to push M forward so I did it, but Emily removed N instead of Tom and realised she made a mistake so put it back which throw me off, and I presented Q at the wrong time. But it wasn't a complete mess it was just the knew bit we were struggling on. This can be improved with more practice.
SINGING LESSON: This lesson we spent our time just practising our vocal performance in our groups.
We started of the lesson with a vocal warm up which consisted of scales of la,ta,games to continue progression of diction, it also helps loosen up our vocal chords. We then continued our warm up by saying some tongue twisters like the coffee pot one, red lorry yellow lorry etc. This helped develop both diction and pronunciation further. After that we sang through the song as a group and picked out targets that we wished to develop. The main one was projection as we suffered when it came to doing it consistently. We focused on this for most of the lesson we discussed as a group what would help remind us to keep our volume up, which lead to us talking about steaming a mirror and singing from our diaphragm. After our conversation we sang it about three times all the way through and found that a volume had increased but it was not powerful enough for the aggressive characters we wanted to play. That's when we decided to turn up the music louder, this way we encouraged ourselves to try and sing over the backing track. We performed again a few more times and saw a big improvement. We continued practising for most of the lesson until the two groups got back together and we performed to one another.
Strengths: our projection was really good, and what we were saying was clear.
Target: What we needed to work on was making aggression more clear when singing as we seemed like we were happy while performing.
DANCE LESSON: In this lesson we began learning the block sequence as well as recapping previous choreography. We started of the lesson with a warm up that focused on both physical and vocal attributes like stamina, co ordination, diction and projection. We gathered round in a circle and sang through the song while moving. For example we would have to keep projection up while alternating from jogging, high knees and prancing throughout the whole song. This helped a lot with stamina. After this we did the one two one vocal warm up to help loosen up our vocal chords.
After the warm up We jumped straight into a run through of what we learnt in previous lessons. The run through went well no one in my group forgot the choreography and we kept in time.
once the run through was completed Nadine began teaching us the block choreography, she explained to us that the letters need to be seen clearly and that it required a sufficient amount of concentration as more than one letter was on each block. This worried me because i was worried that i would show the wrong letter but as she began teaching us i felt better about it. She taught each group up to the letter M of the alphabet, i was in charge of the letter G. I was struggling as we practised it to stay in character because Lottie had to drop the letter G from over my head into my hands which was very daunting for me, so i often found myself looking scared instead of intimidated. But i feel that once i catch it successfully a couple times i will get more comfortable with it. Nadine also told us that if we were not using a block at times to do the previous choreography which is was doing fine, but i blocked the letter C because i was to central as it was thrown to Emily. So i adapted my spacing a danced of centre. After running through the block choreo slowly without music and then a couple of time with music, we were then asked to perform everything we learnt in the past couple of weeks including this lesson.
Our group went first and performed the previous choreo confidently but as it got to the block section there were a few mistakes for example the H wasn't presented at the right time and the M wasn't pushed forward. These were little things but it did effect the performance and everyone's concentration including mine we began to laugh and acted unprofessional. It was expected to happen with newly introduced choreography but we as a group need to learn how to still perform even if something goes wrong because if we did what we did this lesson in an assessment we would get a low grade. So when we perform in the future we just need to make sure that mistakes don,t phase us.
Nadine also noticed that although the knowledge of the choreo was there characterisation wise we weren't performing to our best ability, this is something we will concentrate in the next couple of lessons.
DRAMA LESSON: In this lesson we focused on learning the block choreography while the other group focused on their characterisation.We started of the lesson with a warmup that the worked on stamina, concentration and vocals. This warm up consisted of us jogging round the classroom then alternating from jogging to hopping, skiping, running, jumping and so on while singing the school song with a good level of projection. This worked hard on stamina also. After that we had a more vocal warm up that concentrated on diction, loosening our vocal chords as well as co ordination. This warm up consisted of us as a class clappng and patting a beat then doing a cool and response method singing lines. For example Emily would sing kumalala kumalala kumala vista and we would have repeat it. This helped with concentration and musicality also as we had to stay in time with the beat of our hands.
After this we started by doing a run through of what we did in the previous lesson which wasn't very successful as we messed up a few of the timings on the block section. Nadine then decided to very slowly run through the block choreography we did last lesson before starting to learn more. Nadine clarified my spacing when the letter c is presented as I went back to the centre again, she also made it clear to the other members of my group how to show there letters and when. Nadine then walked us through choreo we should be doing when not moving th blocks for example, when Sophie hold up the letter I people not moving a block had to crowd around her and do the previous choreography we use for the line "I have suffered in this jail...." After clarifying what we did last lesson we began learning new block choreography up to the letter Q I was I charge of this letter but this really put the whole groups concentration to the test. For example Nadira needed to push the letter M to the front in order to allow Tom to put the letter N on top, but Tom also needed to remember to take the N of again so I could reveal the letter Q. If Nadira or Tom forgets to do these things then the block choreography wouldn't go to plan and mistakes would be made and this goes for almost everyone's roles in the block choreo. We practiced doing the whole block choreography without the music a couple of time and they went successfully. The other group got a chance to perform to us how they improved their characterization. When they performed I noticed that they added some choreo to seem more intimidating for example straight at beginning daisy turn and crouched down with a cold glare, they used more intimidating facial expressions. The little kids also shakers and made themselves small which was very impressive.
We then got a chance to perform the block sequence up to what we learnt up to. As we were performing we were doing well but nadira had forgotten to push M forward so I did it, but Emily removed N instead of Tom and realised she made a mistake so put it back which throw me off, and I presented Q at the wrong time. But it wasn't a complete mess it was just the knew bit we were struggling on. This can be improved with more practice.
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