techniques developed in the first week of nothing like a dame

Singing lesson: in this lesson we learnt how to vocally challenge ourself in terms of our vocal range when embodying a male character. we also developed singing with a accent when learning one verse and a chorus as a group.

Dance lesson; We worked on one of my previous targets which was co_ordination in the warm up by partnering legs and arms together to a certain rythm. we also worked on embodying the male character by looking at varried body posistions as well as learning choreography.

Drama lesson: in this lesson we worked on communicating that we are playing men with the audience by using manly body language, when other groups are singing acting like were a big group of guys doing different adlibs, and we had three still images that portrayed us as srtong manly blokes.

Strength: ive learnt the words quite easily and am comfortable with doing the american accent.

Target: i need to work on portraying that manly image, confidence is a big thing that i think i need to improve.
